Management help you too get your goal. More than that, management make you can achieve the goal effectively.
The earth is become small because of human greedy. Some greedy people use management not to lives effectively. They thing with management they can get unlimited live, unlimited financial, unlimited resource. The thruth is no such a things in this world are unlimited.
The management helps people to deal with the limited of resource. Management helps people to live with other people with lovely.
From the knowledge I get, I'd like to present the lecture note for all of you who want to learn the basic of management. Especially i present this for all brother & sister that took TI 4004 class, the class of Industrial Management (for FTMD) , at Bandung Insititute of Technology.
Catatan Kuliah 6 (sudah ada bahannya tp belum selesai)
Kuliah 8 (UTS)
Catatan kuliah 9 dan 10 (belum lengkap, mohon klo ada yang punya bahan nya, bisa di share, terutama soal2 latihan dan PR)
Catatan Kuliah 13 (belum lengkap)
Kuliah 14 (UAS)